Thursday, February 25, 2010

KatyDid and beginnings

This is a katydid... a rather exciting and cute (katy) bug, but also something that my family has called me- especially my grandma.
So, I've never blogged before. I've read lots of other peoples, but have never had the gumption or courage (if I'm going to be honest here) to write my own. There's been a recent interest with all the crazy, wonderful, hard, joyful, weird, and exciting things going on in my life lately to start one up.
I have been afraid that I need to have something really good to write about just in case anyone reads it, but I think I will just go for it- raw, unedited, true, real, ME. We'll see what comes of it... For such a time is this!

Beginnings... beginnings start. Do they ever end? Or that is endings I suppose. I think I like beginnings rather than endings. Lately I've had a lot of beginnings but am surrounded by some endings too. I just got engaged November 12th (I guess that is longer ago than I realize) and that is a HUGE beginning of forever. Joel. I love him. He is a gift from God- a God-send. We are beginning a life together and I couldn't have fashioned someone better for myself than him. God is so faithful and knows me so well... sometimes He is pretty humorous too in the ways He gifts things and people to us. :) I also am beginning a life without school. It is a funny transition because I'm still in my college town, which is becoming more like home to me these days. This could be temporary as the months pass and I decide when (if?) I will go to graduate school at Portland State U. I also began helping co-facilitate a women's domestic violence intervention group... it comes under other names sometimes because it cover a variety of needs for the women of our community, but that's what I'll go with for now. And I've also began living with an amazing woman who is experiencing things that people do when they get to their endings. She is so alive and so vibrant that I'm not sure this beginning of our roommate-ship is only a beginning rather than nearer to an ending. She is at peace. She loves her flowers. She goes by GG, Grandma, Mom, Dorothy. And of course, the beginning of this blog!
Endings... my last term working with Wyld Life in McMinnville. I am nearing the end of my time living in the city of McMinnville in all its glory. It has been good to me. Joel is finishing up and ending his final season with basketball. I am in my last few months of working with Kids on the Block which has been one of my places of employment the last 3+ years. I will really miss those kids.

I have learned from GG that seasons bring life and seasons bring recognition of life's joys and sorrows. It brings appreciation. That is what I hope to get from these beginnings, endings... seasons.
"There is a time to plant, a time for it to grow, a time to harvest, and times to rest." -GG